Richard Gere, an iconic actor known for his roles in “Pretty Woman,” “An Officer and a Gentleman,” and “Chicago,” has spent over five decades in Hollywood. However, despite his fame, he has always preferred a life outside the spotlight. In 2024, he made a significant decision to leave the United States and move to Spain with his family, choosing a more peaceful and family-centered lifestyle.
The move is partly inspired by his wife, Alejandra Silva, who has strong ties to Spain. Richard expressed excitement about the adventure and noted that this move would offer their children the chance to connect with their Spanish heritage. He also highlighted his love for Spain’s lifestyle, food, and people.
Before relocating, Richard and Alejandra sold their Connecticut estate in October 2024, signaling a new chapter. The sale marked a slight financial loss but reinforced their commitment to this fresh start in Spain. They plan to settle in Madrid, where they hope to embrace the tranquility and culture of the city.
Richard and Alejandra, married in 2018, have two children together. The couple shares a deep bond, with both embracing meditation and spirituality, which helped strengthen their relationship. Richard’s preference for a quieter life away from Hollywood has also been a part of his long-standing connection to New York, where he lived for over 25 years.
In choosing Spain, Richard is prioritizing family and personal fulfillment over the pressures of fame. This move marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter, where he hopes to find balance, cultural richness, and peace with his loved ones.
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